Applications will be accepted through close of business (your time zone) Dec. 7 for the 14th annual PruKids Volunteer Awards. If your child has performed community service this past year, he or she may be recognized for volunteer efforts.
The award program honors children of Prudential active associates
(including Prudential Real Estate Network members) in grades 5 through
12. Judges will select winners based on personal initiative, effort,
impact of the service project and personal growth. The top two high
school and middle school entries will be awarded $2,500 each. In
addition, four runners-up—two in high school and two in middle
school—each will receive a $1,000 award. Winners will be announced in
The PruKids Volunteer Awards application is attached for your
convenience as an Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word file. Complete the PDF
electronically, save the file and then email the file to; or complete the Word file by hand and fax
to (973) 802-4718. Again, applications must be received by 5 p.m. in
your time zone, Dec. 7.
For additional information, visit PREA Center>Community Programs>PruKids
or call the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards hotline at (973)
(See attached file: Pru Kids Application & Instructions - 2010.pdf)(See
attached file: Pru Kids Application & Instructions - 2010.docx)