Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sunshind Kids Send-Off - Thanks

The kiddos and I had a great time in New Orleans! Thank you so very much for the extremely generous goody bags. I have not downloaded pictures yet, but as soon as I do, I will forward them to you. Can you please send me your mailing address again...I would like to send a handwritten thank you note. The kids enjoyed their spending money and the snacks came in handy as we were stuck in the airport for a few hours. You all definintely helped to start our vacation off with a bang! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. Hope you are having a great week. I will get pictures to you by Monday, I promise!! Thanks again,

Jaime Ingram

Jaime Ingram, CCLS
Child Life Specialist
Methodist Children's Hospital
San Antonio, Texas
Office: (210) 575-7308
Pager: (210) 917-7717

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