Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Open House Show Taking Off!!!

Note from the Shows Producer:

Dear Bernie and Bob,

I wanted to thank you personally for advertising on The Open House Show. We hope we become not only a powerful listing tool for your agents, but also a powerful venue to advertise your homes.

Our Nielsen overnight ratings are in for our first and second episodes:

On Sunday, 9/16, we received a 0.4 Household Rating, or 3,100 homes.

On Sunday, 9/23, we received a 1.1 Household Rating, or 8,500 homes!!!!

Let me put that into actual viewers. A household has an average of 3.5 -4 people. That's around 34,000 viewers! Imagine where the show will be in six months when people start to change their viewing habits to watch the show! We strongly encourage you to place our logo on your website to further grow our exposure. Don't forget we have sign rider artwork and listing flyers that you can print up from our website.

Further, the website is receiving around 1,019 unique visitors every day. Imagine where that number will climb as the ratings climb.

By suggestion from one of our San Antonio clients, we have made the agent photos significantly bigger for next Sunday's show. I have actually applied the graphics change to all our shows in all our markets.

Again, we are a small company that wants to provide you with inexpensive, quality advertising. We know our clients work hard for their success, so do not hesitate to call me, Amy, Jaime, or Esther for any reason or with any suggestions. We want to help you succeed.

All the best and with much thanks,

Robert Bettes

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