Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Word, Excel and Powerpoint online access

5 February 2008

Google Docs is an online replacement for word processor (like MS Word), spreadsheet (like MS Excel) and Presentation software (like MS PowerPoint). It stores everything, on an offline server so you never need to worry about backing up your hard drive so as not to lose these files. The real advantage of this system is that we can share any and all documents that we generate with all staff and associates as desired. To use the system, please follow the below procedure to access the company's Google Documents website:

Type in the following link: http://docs.donjohnsoncompany.com and save as a bookmark or desktop icon once in the site. To save as an icon on your personal computers, click on "file", "send" "shortcut to desktop" There will be an icon on all company computers that says "Google Docs PDJC".

From this screen you need to sign into the site: Your sign on name is your first name and your initial password is "password" without the quotation marks.

You now see the main screen from which you will prepare a new document, spreadsheet or presentation. You can use these for presentations to your clients, to make fliers, any number of pieces for you business all at no cost to you as the sales associate or staff member.

To begin, simply click on your folder (there is a folder for each staff member and Sales Associate) then click on the word "New" at the top left and it gives you the option of whether you want a document, spreadsheet or presentation; click on whichever and begin your work.

Please see Bernie or Bob for any additional help needed should your exploring only frustrate you!

This system will replace the current MS Office system we have now on the computers as Microsoft discontinues updating and supporting the version of Office we currently have on our computers.

Good luck and we look for this to be a very productive tool for all of us.


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