Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Special Asset Management Update

I listened to the taped version of the Prudential Broker Alliance Management call this morning. According to the call, the earliest we are now looking for possibly getting assignments is in the middle of January. They are one of three finalists for a government contract that would yield approx. 3500 expedited short sales. It is my understanding that most of these involve properties where an effort has already been or currently involved in an effort to modify the loan (keep the owner in the property.)The second government contract is not as far a long and again involves a competitive process that SAM is involved in. They also mentioned another negotiation with a lender that probably will not involve Texas properties.

There are additional training modules - just in time training and training for short sales. They do not take long and everyone who has signed up should go to the PREA center and make sure they are current on all SAM training modules.

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