Friday, July 9, 2010

767 Utopia - not listed (Jennifer Madison)

RE Inquiries on 767 Utopia (Jennifer Madison)

We do not have it listed, nor is there a listing agreement – it is an auction property. I will let him know to visit for details. If the property does sell at auction there will be a commission for us.

Short story on this one – it is a B of A property that is in horrible condition and I requested the listing be reassigned for this reason. The bank preferred to send it to auction because we all agreed they would probably make a better profit going this route. There are certain requirements for auction properties and I agreed to do the paperwork so they will still pay us. Normally, open houses are required for the 2 weekends prior to the auctions but due to condition we are not doing them because of potential harm to a buyer. There is a huge hole in the roof and there is mold – that was the main reason I did not want to list it.

I know there have been a few duty calls on this one as well – buyers can visit or call 800-793-6107 for more information. If one of our agents registers a buyer than they would get a commission for representing the buyer for this or any auction property.

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